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Darren's Dahlias and Sweet Peas

About this blog

My Aim

My aim is to provide information about my life in Sweet Peas. I hope I can share ideas, tips and things that worked for me in growing and showing Dahlias and Sweet Peas. This is a passion with me as well as a hobby. Growing cut flowers for competitive shows has been an interest of mine since I was a teenager but with work life and responsibilities I was limited to just growing for the garden. Now retired I am able to spend more time on my passion and although it’s still pretty much as a hobby I have a plot on the local Allotments where I grow the bulk of my show Dahlias and Sweet Peas. In recent years I have had some success at Local, County and National Level.

Last year WEB 2021 was a wash out with most of my plants rotting in the ground after very wet weather in early June. I even lost all my seedlings that I had high hopes for.

Unlike live plants exhibiting cut flowers is all down to timing especially when your chosen flower has a shelf life of just a few days.

I hope I can share ideas, tips and things that worked for me in growing and showing Dahlias and Sweet Peas. This is a passion with me as well as a hobby.

Darren referred to his wedding in 2012 not knowing what to give his wife as a wedding gift he named a sweet pea after her..

